Atlanta, GA — This past weekend the highly anticipated Foundational Black American Conference took place at the Georgia World Conference Center in Atlanta, GA hosted by famed pro-black Tariq Nasheed.
The event was promoted as the event of the year that all black people needed to attend in order to learn about how to get “tangibles” and embrace the FBA lineage. Concerns about the event taking place during a global pandemic have sparked conversations on social media in regards to so many black people willingly attending an event that puts them at risk of catching the coronavirus.
Representatives for the FBAC2020 event stated that free bottles of Ogun juice pepper spray & Mink Slide CDs were passed out to attendees in order to help protect against COVID. When asked how these products would help prevent infection, reps stated that when people play the Mink Slide album, it sends out vibrations through the ether to activate the Ogun juice to place people inside of a forcefield to protect people with melanin from evil white supremacy COVID germs.